How much does our help cost?
Funding care and support can be the reason why people do not ask for help. However, both home and social support care is more affordable than you may realise and maintains independence.
Can I get care funding?
You may be able to receive financial assistance under the national Direct Payments scheme or other sources of funding.
We also provide care and support for private funded clients; our rates start from £22.00 per hour, Monday to Saturday enhanced rates apply to Sundays and Bank holidays.
What is a social care needs assessment?
Quite simply this is where either Local Authority Social Services departments or other organisations visit you and ask a series of questions to assess and determine your care and support requirements.
It doesn’t take long and there is nothing in it to trip you up–it is designed to ensure you receive the care you deserve.
For further information please click here
Direct Payments Scheme
If you, or someone you care for, get help from social services, you can apply for direct payments. These let you choose and buy the services you need yourself, instead of getting them from your council. You can only get direct payments if you have been assessed by social services as needing care and support services.
Direct payments can be made to:
- disabled people aged 16 or over (with short or long-term needs)
- disabled parents for children’s services
- carers aged 16 or over (including people with parental responsibility for a disabled child)
- elderly people who need community care services
For further information and up to date advice please click here
Other Useful Contacts
Social care contact centre (City of Stoke on Trent)
For advice about services available and to start the assessment process.
Telephone:0800 561 0015 Email: [email protected]
Social Care Contact Centre (Staffordshire County Council)
Telephone:0300 111 8010 Email: [email protected]
Need any more guidance/advice?
Please feel free to contact us directly via phone or email, if for any reason we are not able to help with your query we will make sure that we point you in the direction of someone who can.